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Sinclair. Wm. H
Asst. Supt. Ed.

Endorsement on the communication of Wm H. Sinclair. Asst. Supt. Education, dated Galveston. Texas, March, 9. 1869. (S. 387.)

Bureau of R., F., & A.L.,
State of Texas.
Austin. Texas, Mar. 16, 1869.

Respectfully returned disapproved.
The Asst. Commissioner is not authorized to employ an additional force in the Bureau.

By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. E. R. S. Canby
Charles A. Vernou 
1st Lieut. 4th U.S. Cav., A.A.A. Gen.

Caziarc, Louis V.
A.D.C. & A.A.A.G.

Endorsement on the communication of Lieut. D. F. Stiles, 26th U.S. Inft., dated Ringgold Barracks, Texas. March 5. 1869, (S. 392)
Which was referred by Lieut. Louis V. Caziarc, A.D.C., and A.A.A. Gen., March 29, 1869.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & A.L.,
State of Texas, 
Austin. Texas. March 31, 1869.

Respectfully returned to 1st Lieut. Louis V. Caziarc. A.D.C. & A.A.A. General
It does not appear from the records of this office that the Asst. Commissioner issued the within mentioned order.
It is thought it was issued from Headquarters District of Texas

By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. E. R. S. Canby:
C. S. Roberts-
1st Lieut. 17th U.S. Inft., Bvt. Capt.,
A.A.A. General.

Jenkins, N. B.
Late S.A. Com'r.

Endorsement on the letter of Nesbit B. Jenkins.
Sub. Asst. Com'r. dated, Wharton, Texas. Dec. 17. 1868, transmitting medical account of John W. Veazey  J. 90.
Which was forwarded to the Surgeon General by Surg. Warren Webster, Feb. 8, 1869, with account approved;
Referred to Maj. Gen. Howard, Mar 1, 1869, by the Surgeon General, and by his A.A.A. General to Col. L. A. Edwards, Chief Medical Officer, Mar. 2. 1869, who returned the same with the account approved and payment recommended, Mar. 10 1869
Then referred to Gen. Geo. W. Balloch, C.D.O. for payment.


And by him returned March 20, 1869 endorsed as follows:

"Respectfully returned to Gen. E. Whittlesey. A.A.A. General. The agent, Nesbit B. Jenkins, named within, who recieved medical attendance, was a civilian agent of the Bureau and not entitled to such attendance at the expense of the government. "
And by E. Whittlesey, A.A.A. Gen. endorsed Mar 20, 1869, as follows:

"Respectfully returned thro' office of Asst. Commissioner of Texas, attention invited to endorsement of Gen. Balloch, hereon. It has been decided that civilian employes of this Bureau are not entitled to medical treatment at public expense."

Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen & A.L.,
State of Texas,
Austin, Texas. April 2. 1869.

Respectfully returned to Mr. Nesbit B. Jenkins at San Marcos, Texas.
Attention is called to the foregoing endorsements.
By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. E. R. S. Canby:
C. S. Roberts. 
Bvt. Capt. U.S.A., A.A.A. General.

Howard. O. O.
Bvt. Maj. Gen. Com'r

Endorsement on the letter of DeWitt C. Brown, dated Washington, D.C. April 3, 1869 which was indorsed by Gen. Howard per F. D. Sewall, A.A.A. Gen. April 8, 1869 as follows:  B. 313 & D. 32.  E.B. 299 & 310.

"Respectfully referred to Maj. Gen. J. J. Reynolds. Asst. Commissioner of Texas. Attention is invited to indorsement form this office dated November 27. 1868."

Bureau of R.,F. & A.L.,
State of Texas.
Austin. Texas, April 27, 1869.

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Maj. Gen. O. O. Howard. Commissioner. The communication of Mr. Hiram Duff, dated Feb. 1. 1868, upon which was the indorsement of the Commissioner of Nov. 27. 1868, was returned Dec. 10, 1868 with the following indorsement:

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