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Parke Davis 

May 19th  5

George Hargraves, Esq.,
Treasurer, Parke Davis & Co.,
Detroit, Mich. 

My dear Mr. Hargraves:

Your esteemed letter of April 24th, also the copy of the Manager's Manifold letter No. 29 addressed care U.S.Grant Hotel, San Diego, Calif., followed me to San Francisco and finally overtook me here a few days ago. Let me thank you for having sent me the information. 

I need not, I am sure, tell you how deeply I regret the death of Mr. Fred M. Fisk. He was a very unusually [[strikethrough]] imposing [[/strikethrough]] authoritative man and he will be greatly missed, not only by his business associates, but also by a very large circle of friends and acquaintances. He was of that rare type which includes not only splendid business ability, but also those higher and finer qualities of the humanitarian. I feel that in appointing Mr. H.J.Fisk to the brother's position, you and your associates have acted most wisely.

The winter and spring month spent in California have flown rapidly by and I am glad to say that during this period my strength has been greatly benefitted, My voice which has troubled me greatly for some time over a year is not yet as sound as I would like, but it too has improved and I am now beginning to plan my return to Detroit, where I expect to arrive about June 15th. 

It is a real pleasure to learn that Mr. Ryan is again able to visit his office and I trust that ere long he will be able to cast away the crutches and will be thoroughly alright again. Do give him my kindest remembrance, and with all good wishes to you, believeme [[believe me]], 

Very sincerely yours, 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-23 10:33:56 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-23 17:03:19