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[[3 column table]]
|    |    |    |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Accounts Receivable | 5,176,488.33 |   |
| -Reserve | 472,356.91 | 4,704,131.42 |
| Cash and Banks | 3,579,734.59 |   |
| -Reserve | 1,193,627.62 | 2,386,106.97 |
| Investments |   |   |
| U.S. certificates of indebtedness | 1,392,705.69 |   |
| Municipal bonds | 863,000.00 |   |
| War bonds | 302,300.00 | 2,558,006.69 |
| Machinery and Laboratory Equipment | 1,820,532.46    |
| -Reserve for depreciation | 631,853.08 | 1,188,679.38 |
| Office Furniture and Fixtures | 400,449.57 |   |
| -Reserve for depreciation | 142,398.98 | 258,050.59 |
| Real Estate and Buildings | 2,693,078.47 |   |
| -Reserve for depreciation 412,207.63 | 2,279,870.84 |
| Inventories |   |   |
| Merchandise | 2,536,096.24 |   |
| Material in Stores | 2,204,722.43 |   |
| Manufacturing - Products in process and bulk stock | 2,634,174.31 |   |
| Auxiliary Departments | 109,751.08 | 7,484,744.06 |
|   |   | 20,859,588.95 |
| Less Accounts Payable | 1,227,096.16 |   |
| Reserve for Special Taxes | 2,070,515.33 |   |
| Reserve for Dividend (paid Jan. 2d, 1919) | 946,806.00 | 4,244,417.49 |
|   |   | $16,615,171.46 |


[[3 column table]]
|    |    |    |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Capital Stock |   | 11,836,225.00 |
| Surplus |   | 4,778,946.46 |
|   |   | $16,615,171.46 |

DECEMBER 31, 1918

[[3 column table]]
|    |    |    |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Capital Stock, Dec. 31, 1917, | 11,836,830.00 |   |
| Employees' Stock Returned | 605.00 | 11,836,225.00 |
| Surplus, . . Dec. 31, 1917, | 4,253,168.75 |   |
| Cash Dividends Paid in 1918 to Sept. 30th, | 1,420,229.00 |
|   | 2,832,939.75 |   |
|*Cash Dividend Paid Jan. 2d, 1919, | 946,806.00 |   |
|   | 1,886,133.75 |   |
| Additional U.S. War Taxes Paid in 1918 on 1917 Income, | 63,526.75 |   |
|   | 1,822,607.00 |   |
| Net Profit, 1918, | 2,956,339.46 | 4,778,946.46 |
|   |   | $16,615,171.46 |


[[3 column table]]
|    |    |    |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Gross Earnings, |   | 5,676,260.53 |
| RESERVED |   |   |
| For Deductions from Earnings to write off Balance of Assets in Russia, | 436,336.23 |   |
| To equalize value of Cash in England and Canada Banks with Market Rates of Exchange, Dec. 31, 1918, | 13,129.74 |   |
| For depreciation of Machinery and Laboratory Equipment, Office Furniture and Fixtures, and Buildings, | 199,939.77 |   |
| For Special War and Income Taxes, | 2,070,515.33 | 2,719,921.07 |
| Net Profit, |   | $2,956,339.46 |

*Declared in 1918, but not paid until Jan.2, 1919.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-23 08:14:32 - not a traditional table, but seemed the best way to keep the figures in the right columns. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-23 17:01:55