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with you - just to give you the pleasure of enjoying it - it is the masterpiece of how jade - and of any things in art - 

And then he produced a tiny little pot - of Sung Ting - peach bloom - and also I had to admit I never so such colour before. This little pot inspired the poet Su Tung po of the Song dinasty a little poem which is known all over China, but few are the lucky person who can see it - and fewer who can appreciate it to its full value, but undoubtly you can - you of all the world. 

Mr Huang said his English is not good enough to appear in writing, but wish me to tell you that if you like to see this objects he will send them to you - or better you could send for them - being too precious to be sent by express. If so you may write to me - I sail on the 17th instant - or to Mr Huang who is living at 395 Manhattan Ave - New York. I do really wish you to see them because I think they represent the very best of their kind

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