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January the Sixth 1914

Samuel T. Peters,
Washington Building,
1 Broadway,
New York City.

My dear Mr. Peters:-

I am delighted to learn, from your good letter of December 31st, that you will make arrangements for the accommodation of Mr. Hobson at the Hotel Vanderbilt, or some other comfortable place.

I have consulted with my doctor about going to New York, so as to be there at the time of the arrival of Mr. Hobson, but he feels it most important for me to remain here until about the middle of the month, say Wednesday or Thursday, the 14th or 15th inst., when he says it will be safe for me to undertake the trip.

Since my last attack my strength has returned much more rapidly than heretofore, and my doctor says that if I will remain quietly here a little longer than I originally intended, he thinks that I will be quite able to retain my strength much better than heretofore, so I must follow his suggestions.

In the meantime, after Mr. Hobson shall have reached New York and squared himself for work, I feel very confident that he can begin the cataloging of the description quite well without any assistance from me. Yourself and the other members of the Committee can tell him just what you want done, and I will of course agree with whatever action you take. When I reach New York, about the 15th or 16th inst. I will be happy to aid in whatever way I can suggest that may occur to me in the method of description of the articles, and in assisting to

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