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Society of Arts
& Crafts

#33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan.
March 30, 1914.

My dear Miss Plumb:

Accept my best thanks for your kind letter of the 26th instant.

I was much disappointed in my inability to meet each member of your little party of Tuesday last. I remember, with pleasure, of having met Mrs. Elliot at West Point some years ago, on the occasion to which she so kindly referred.

I am very glad to know that you and Miss Nellwen found pleasure in the Persian Manuscripts, and any time that may prove convenient to you both do return to my gallery and examine the Manuscripts to your mutual satisfaction. I may not be here personally when you come but you can make arrangements with Miss Day for any date agreeable to you. Stephen will, of course, get out the Manuscripts for you.

I am up and dressed today, and feeling refreshed by my enforced rest.

With every good wish,

Sincerely yours,

Miss Helen Plumb,
Secretary, Society of Arts and Crafts,
37, Witherell Street,
Detroit, Michigan.