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33 Ferry Avenue East,
Detroit, Michigan.
September 20, 1908

The Rev. Isaac Taylor Headland,

My dear Doctor Headland:

Your kind letter of the 18th inst. is received. It will give me much pleasure to meet you at my home here on Monday next, the 28th inst., and if you will let me know the hour and station at which you will arrive, I will be pleased to meet you at your train.

Yes, I have excellent facilities at my home for examining your pictures, as they can be seen with either a sky or side light, so I trust you will either bring your pictures with you or send them on in advance, whichever may seem to you best.

Looking forward with pleasure to your visit, I am

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-26 09:08:21