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11 2 Mrs. Maxfeeld- hand, I fancy, will have to be attended to as quickly as possible. However, if all goes well, I shall be in Minneapolis before the first of next year, when I hope to see Mrs. Land and learn the exact status of her business affairs, and to do whatever I can to help her through her present difficulties. I judge, from your letter, that you and she, are excellent friends, and for this reason, I write you as frank, as I have, with the hope, that you will read my letter to Mrs. Lang. As soon as I can determine an exact time for visiting Minneapolis, I will advise you in advance and I would like, if possible, to have an interview with the executors also, while I am in your city. Believe me, Very sincerely yours, Charles L Freer
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Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 07:41:21