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Mrs. Fenollosa-
Since my last letter to you, I have made careful examination of the article written by Professor Fenollosa on my collection and published in the Pacific Era. You will recall, that many typographical errors occured in its original published form. These annoyed the good Professor considerably, and in talking with him about these defects, he said, that he would like to correct the article and see it issued sometime in monograph form. Later, he handed me a copy of the magazine in which he had made the corrections, and this I still have. He and I, also discussed a scheme for adding a few additional illustrations. Recently, several of the eastern newspapers have referred to the article and have printed extracts therefrom - the result is, that a number of calls have been made upon me for copies of the article. The magazine is out of print. Now, what would you think of my arranging with some good printer, say The Marion Press of New York, to reprint the article with additional illustrations in pamphlet form, for free distribution?  Of course, I would pay all expenses, and give the pamphlet to art students, and other worthy people who might desire it. Of course, I would gladly send to you whatever number of copies you might care to have. The printers are all too busy to undertake the work this month, but if it meets with your approval 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 07:29:49