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35 15 [[checkmark]] 35 Ferry Avenue, East, Detroit, Michigan, December 7th,1908. My dear Mr. Waldo- Referring to the correspondence had with you concerning the authority to publish a "Life" of Whistler claimed by the Pennell's, I take the liberty of enclosing herein, a copy of a letter on this subject written by Miss Rosalind Birale Philip, and published in the London Times of November 24th, last. I have a copy of the newspaper in my possession, but as I shall have use for it in New York and Boston this week, I am sending you the enclosed excerpt. If agreeable to you and the editor of the Philadelphia Ledger, I would be glad to see it appear in an early issues. Thanking you in advance, I remain, Yours very sincerely, Charles L. Freer Fullerton L. Waldo, Esq., 404 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
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Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 07:35:39