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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 31st, 1908.

Dear Professor Dow:-
I was very much pleased to learn recently, that arrangements had been made under which you were to deliver two lectures in Detroit early in January, and I at once asked Miss Guysi to extend an invitation asking you to be my guest while in Detroit. A short time thereafter, she informed me of your acceptance. This morning's mail brings a letter from Miss Guysi telling me of the dates of your lectures, and to my dispair, I find that they have been set for a time when I cannot be in Detroit. I had supposed that I should be at home practically all of the month of January, but now an unexpected call forces me to leave Detroit on Monday evening, the 4th of January, and I must be absent until Sunday morning, the 10th of January, when I shall return home. If the matter which calls me away were of ordinary nature, I could postpone my journey, but, unfortunately, the call is imperative and I must answer it.

I shall regret more than I can tell you being absent while you are here. I want so much to hear your lectures, and it would be such a great pleasure to have you as my guest, and between the lectures, to show you at least a portion of the additions made to my collection since you were last here.