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Mr. Way -

steamer on Friday or Saturday of this week and I am sure the Express Company will select a thoroughly safe steamer for its transport.

I shall prepay all charges to London including insurance, and I hope, that the picture will reach you in safety.

I appreciate very much the courtesy shown me in this matter by both yourself and Mrs. Dr. Whistler, and I am only sorry that I cannot see my way clear to become the future care-taker of the portrait.

I beg to hand you, enclosed herewith, draft payable to your order for five pounds, which is in settlement of your memorandum of expenses for insurance, boxing, cartage etc. amounting to 4-14-4.  I have increased the sum to five pounds so as to cover any possible cartage in London after the picture may reach you.

I am also, now cabling you as follows:

"Do not wish portrait. Returning same"

Believe me, with kindest regards,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer

Mr. Tom R. Way,
110 Regents Park Road,
London, N. W.