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POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE COMPANY IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMMERCIAL CABLE COMPANY. [STAMP] 16, LO. CLARENCE H. MACAY, President, J.O. STEVENS, Sec'y. WM. H. BAKER, V.P.&G.M. CLARENCE H. MACAY, President, ALBERT BECK, Sec'y. GEO G. WARD, V.P.&G.M. [stamp] (516) TELEGRAM 228 The Postal Telegraph-Cable Company transmits and delivers this message subject to the terms and conditions printed on the back of this blank. Received at ____________________________________ (where any reply should be sent.) 191 NY BD 0 3;30 PM 103 Paid Govt. Washington DC Jan 24 06 Chas. L. Freer, 33 Ferry Ave, Detroit Mich. At meeting held today following resolution was adopted" Resolved that the board of regents of the Smithsonian institution do hereby accept the tender of Mr Freer to make present conveyance to the institution of the title to his art collection and to bequeath to the institution the sum of five hundred thousand dollars for the construction of a fireproof building in which to have it under the terms as stated in his communication to the president of the united states dated Dec 15 1905 " Letter follows. R. Rathbun Actg Secy.
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Reopened for Editing 2023-03-28 23:55:02
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Reopened for Editing 2023-03-28 14:38:06