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[[image]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Washington. U.S.A. ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY August 23, 1909. Dear Sir: The Institution recently received a box which was supposed to have been shipped by Mr. Freer, but as no notice of the shipment has been received, as is customary, the box was opened and its contents found to be as follows: 1 large vase, green glaze, with incised decoration under glaze. 1 small tazza with beautiful thick iridescent glaze not covering the foot. The box is today being forwarded to Mr. Freer's residence by express. Very respectfully yours, R Rathbun Acting Secretary. Mr. J. M. Kennedy, 915 Union Trust Building, Detroit, Michigan. P
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Reopened for Editing 2023-03-28 13:54:32