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915 Union Trust Building, Detroit, Michigan. September 8th, 1909. R. Rathburn, Esq., Acting Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, WASHINGTON, D.C. My dear Sir:- Referring to your letter of the 23rd ultimo, relative to the shipment to Mr. Freer of the case containing two pieces of pottery and my letter of the 7th instant acknowledging the receipt thereof at Mr. Freer's residence. Can I trouble you to inform me if you paid any charges upon this shipment rather than the express charges from Washington to Detroit and what the amount of the latter was, also if any shipping papers reached you in connection therewith. I feel sure that the two objects are ones which Mr. Freer caused to be shipped from Cairo, but to confirm the identification thereof, I should like to learn what shipping papers or advices, if any, the Institution received and whatever charges were paid thereon. Regretting to have to bother you in the matter, I remain Yours very truly,