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[[left margin]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON [[/left margin]] Ansd Nov 14 November 13, 1913. Dear Mr. Freer: Your letter of the 9th instant, from New York, was duly received, and another copy of Bulletin 80 was immediately mailed to you at the Plaza. I am very glad if my first effort at architectural description can be of any assistance to you and Mr. Platt. It was the hardest piece of labor I have ever undertaken, and it will be the last of its kind that I shall attempt. Despite the many defects which are being discovered from time to time, the building is a fine one, and does our architects a great deal of credit. I was sorry to hear that your visit to New York was for the purpose of recuperating, which I suppose means to take you away from surroundings that tempt you to keep as busy as ever. We all wish you would give yourself up to perfect rest, with nothing to do but enjoy the beautiful things you have brought together. It is certainly pleasing to know that you are still getting splendid additions from China, and I wish you were strong enough to collect them yourself. I am sure you would be the happier in doing so.
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