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October 2, 1916.

Dear Mr. Freer:

Since I wrote you last the contractor has been removing the sod and top soil from the site of the building, which will be turned over to Col. Harts, for use on the public grounds.  The steam shovel for the deep digging did not arrive until Saturday, and began its work this morning.  I have had our photographer take a picture of it, and will send you a print as soon as it can be made.  It will show you much progress during the week.  The trees are down and the fence nearly done.  I will also enclose a print taken of your humble servant wielding the spade on the day we broke ground.  I will leave it for you to judge from this evidence which works fastest, the spade or the shovel.  My own opinion favors the former.

Mr. Walcott is expected home tomorrow, and hereafter you will receive all official communications from him, but I may venture from time to time to send you some personal notes upon the work. 

With best wishes, believe me, 
Very truly yours,
R. Rathbun

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-28 14:55:39