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[[top left corner]] 2 [[/top left corner]] 4 New Proofs ~ [[2 column table]] |---|---| |No. 285. "Venice, the Lagoon" | $15. ✓O | |No. 286. "Murano, the Lagoon" | 15. ✓✓ | |No. 287. "The ferry, Grand Canal" | 10. ✓✓ | |No. 289. "Near Chioggia." | 15. ✓✓ | |No. 294. "A Shower." | 5. ✓✓ | |No. 296. "Papendrecht landing." | 5. ✓✓ | |No. 297. "Dordrecht, evening" | 5. ✓✓ | |No. 299. "Katwyk, arrival of a fishing boat | 10. ✓✓ | | 300. Zeeburg. | 15. ✓✓ | |---| $95. | |---| 220 | |---| $315.| T.W.D. Paid & Ackd Aug 24/89. T.W.D.
Transcription Notes:
List of Dutch oil paintings
No. 296 Papendrecht landing - painting