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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
April, 30th, 1909.

Frederick M. Alger, Esq.,
1004 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan.

My dear Mr. Alger:-

Referring to our recent conversation concerning the Yondotega Club finances, I beg to advise you, that the present indebtedness, is as follows:
There is due the People's State Bank, the sum of $22,500.00, secured by a promissory note of the Club, endorsed by its Governors. The Club property was at one time bonded for the sum of $12,000 - of this amount $4,800.00 was donated by members; $3,000.00 was redemmed by the Club and $3,400.00 is still outstanding and owned by the following named members:

Bond 2 - W. Savidge ------------------- $1,000.00
Bond 5 - Clarence Carpenter -----------  1,000.00
Bond A2 - E. H. Parket ----------------    250.00
Bond A3 - C. A. Ducharme --------------    250.00
Bond A4 - C. A. Ducharme --------------    250.00
Bond A5 - P. H. McMillan --------------    250.00
Bond B7 - S. Hendrie ------------------    100.00
Bond B9 - H. E. Boynton ---------------    100.00
Bond B10 - C. G. Jennings -------------    100.00
Bond B11 - H. E. Boynton --------------    100.00
Total ---------------------------------  3,400.00

The Club Treasury owns $800.00.

Trusting the above information will be of service in the splendid work you have agreed to undertake, I remain,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles Lang Freer.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-05 15:06:21