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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
March 18th, 1909.

Mr. Maurice Naham,
Care, Credit Foncier,
Cairo, Egypt.

My dear Mr. Naham:-
It affords me much pleasure to introduce to you my friend Professor Dennison of the University of Michigan. Professor Dennison is a delegate to the Archaelogical [[Archaeological]] Convention now being held in your city and I have asked him to meet you and to see your collection of antiquities. You will find him a thoroughly trustworthy man with whom you can talk freely and I have much pleasure in starting an acquaintance between yourself and him, which I am confident will prove mutually interesting.

Should Professor Dennison ask any assistance from you as an interpreter or in any other capacity, I know you that you will be delighted to assist him. He is my friend and any courtesy you may extend to him will be considered as a personal matter by myself.

With kind regards,
Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer

Transcription Notes:
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