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A492 (R..F. & A.L., Vol. 11,) 1867.
H'd Qurs B.R.F & AL. Texas, S Vol 2. 96. 1867.

Sept. 18th, 1867. 

American Missionary Association
J.R. Shipherd. Secy.

Learned of the late Gen'l Griffin's request for Mr Allen's relief a day or two since.

Gives extract from Mr Allen's letter saying "that Genl Griffin's death leaves General J.J. Reynolds in command of Texas, and that he (Genl R.) will give all aid &c desired." Asks the reappointment of Mr Allen to the position he lately held, and states "that if it can be made, the Secretaries of the A.M.A. will be glad to renew the school work in Texas with vigor."

See PLB. Bu Hd Qrs. Sept 23, '67

Wrapper (1 Enclosures)
Received, Bureau R.F. & A. L. Sep't. 21st, 1867.
Rec'd Hd Qurs. B.R.F &c. Tex. Sept. 30/67.

Transcription Notes:
Filled in cursive at top but unsure if correct -- In the passage I may have misspelled some of the names. The cursive was to hard for me to read at the beginning so I made out what words and numbers I could. The bold text after the message was difficult for me to read. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-12 13:55:36 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-12 15:18:15