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Jan 8th

The Outlook 
287 Fourth Avenue 
New York 

Office of 
Theodore Roosevelt

December 30th, 1912.

My dear Mr Freer:
I wish I could accept, but it is out of the question for me to accept another position of any kind or sort. Now you must sometimes by in New York. When that occurs may I not hope that you will let me know so that I may have you [[crossed out]] either at lunch or dinner [[/crossed out]] for a night at our house? Mrs. Roosevelt wishes this as much as I do so won't you come?  
With hearty thanks, 
Sincerely yours, 
Theodore Roosevelt

Mr Charles L. Freer, 
Detroit, Mich. 

Transcription Notes:
Need help on where to put the cursive ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-03 13:26:03