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[[6 Columned Table]]
|   | Plaintiff | Defendant | Charge | Date of Exam | History |
| Aug 13th | Hampton Leg | Columbus Childers | Assault & Battery | Aug 13th | Referred to civil authority |
| August 13th | Barry Ward | Robert Logan John, G. Miller | Plaintiff states he contracted with R. Logan in the spring of 1816 to cultivate a farm belonging to John, G. Miller in Coahoma Co. was to excuse for the services of himself and two hands and the use of his horse & farming utensils one half of the crop made, after the cotton was ready for market and landed at Friars Point. J.G. Miller, seized the cotton for rent. The Plaintiff has not received one cent for his labor &c. |   |   |
| Aug 13th | Wm. Hopson (White) | Sam. Thompson & Wife (Cold) | Disatisfaction [[?]] from plaintiff corrcting the child of defendant said child was under charge of plaintiff |   |   |
| Aug 14 | Robt. Richard (resides on the Michals Plantation) | Dr. Thos. Norflet | Plaintiff states he worked for Dr. T. Norflet for one third of the crop. has only received $30. for the the years labor of 1867. Dr Norflet kept money due plaintiff to pay a debt due him by John Cloundy |   |   |