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not being more than [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] one half that usually made, owing to the unprecedentedly unfavorable year, many settlements were effected in the early part of December, and from that time [[margin note]] Office hours [[/margin note]] until this date I have worked from 8 oclk, A.M. until 11 oclk P.M. in closing up the business of the County. My office hours, established upon entering on duty, were from 9 to 12 A.M, and 2 to 5 P.M, which hours, in the press of business were never adhered to, in many cases have really neglected forwarding reports due your and other Hd-Qrs, owing to the work daily and nightly to be performed.

[[margin note]] No. of days absent from office and the reason therefor [[/margin note]] Have absented myself from office about (10) ten days in each month, in compliance with Circulars 17 and 21, making tours through the County and District, exhorting the Freed-people to labor diligently, explaining their duty, the binding nature of a contract, etc.

[[margin note]] Regarding settlements [[/margin note]] In making settlements between planter and Freed-people I require the former to certify to the correctness of their accounts, strike out objectionable items, reduce the charges, made in nearly every case for bacon, calico, etc, and in every case, after the classifications were made, apportioned the 
Freed-peoples interest in the cotton, corn and fodder crop. Have discovered a general disposition on the part of Planters to make all they possibly can out of the Freed-people