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the most reliable, high-toned gentlemen are not exempt from that class. In settlements where Freed-people have been working for wages, the same difficulties were encountered, 'charge' is the motto in every case. [[margin note]] Freed-people working for portions of crop [[/margin note]]Comparatively few Freed-people in this District, however, worked for wages, the contracts being for one-fourth, one-third and one-half the entire crop. In all cases presented to me for adjudication and final settlement where there is no written contract between the planter and Freed-people, and questions are at issue, the cases are invariably decided in favor of the latter, where there is any show of justice in the decision. [[margin note]] Precedent established where written contract exists [[/margin note]]

[[margin note]] Disposition to make settlements [[/margin note]] Many planters in this and adjoining counties have manifested a disposition to make settlements with their Freed-people, ignoring the existence of an agent here or elsewhere, charging "lost time" etc at their own rates; in order to prevent any further settlements of this nature I issued a Circular a copy of which is hereunto appended marked No. 1. [[margin note]] The necessity of Bureau Agents &c [[/margin note]] While many planters openly acknowledge the necessity of Bureau Agents, there is a disposition visible to weaken the confidence of the Freed-people in the Agents, in order that, in ignoring their existence, the planters may more easily play upon their their ignorance.

Upon the publication of Circular No. 23, your Head-Qrs, I notified planters in this county that

Transcription Notes:
unsure of first word in third margin note and last word in last margin note can't read word after "head" in last line Head (or Hd) Qrs = Head Quarters