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sufficient knowledge of household duties to require their presence at all times at their houses, then, and not until then to think of ceasing to labor, am pleased to that my advice is being taken much more readily and cheerfully than I had anticipated.
[[left margin]] Education of Freedpeople [[/left margin]]
On the subject of education, I find many who are willing to assist the Freedpeople, who admit that the only means of improving their present condition is by educating them.  On the 20th ult. I procured the assistance of several intelligent Freedmen, gave them the necessary authority to collect money for the purpose of building a church and school house of their own, in addition to which I caused to be made a contribution box which I now have in my office; though not yet filled, I am confident that means sufficient can be reaised to erect the necessary building.  
[[left margin]  Report of Sunday and weekday schools [[/left margin]
There is a school here kept by a white lady resident, the attendance will average twenty pupils.  On Sunday the Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches hold Sabbath schools for the dessemination of religious knowledge, will average thirty-five pupils each.  The intelligent portion of the community appear willing to cooperate with the Freedpeople in promoting their mental and moral welfare.
[[left margin]] Troops required [[/left margin]]
Huntsville is the centre of a very fair cotton country, has a population of (1300) thirteen hundred persons, is the seat of the State Penitentiary