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you," several cases coming under my observation where the outrages were perpetrated upon United States Soldiers, yet I lack proof from the fact that threats are made to burn out and kill those who inform; this is no exaggerated statement, in the report of outrages appended I speak of these cases more fully.
[[left margin]] Condition of uper and adjoining counties. [[/left margin]]
Reports reach me through reliable white men from the upper and adjoining counties of continued acts of violence and swindling on the part of planters and others, Anderson Co. in particular is mentioned, Trinity figures conspicuously, and Angelina and others bordering are not far behind, would earnestly solicit your attention to this matter and would suggest that Agents of the Bureau be assigned with, if possible, troops to protect the Freedpeople.
In mingling with Freedpeople from morning until night, hearing the little tale of each as it is told the Bureau, knowing their dispostion and weakness, I can only express surprise that they should be the object of common prey; their ignorance, their kindness and really their innocence in business transactions, should prove a safe-guard from the minds of the imprincipled, but tis not the case, the fact that they are ignorant and innocent appears to give a license to all to extort from