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[[left margin]] Copy referred to Lt. Taylor A.A.A.G. Dist of Texas Feb'y 6/67 [[/left margin]]

Office Sub - Ass't. Commissioned
Bu. of R.F. and A.L.
Sherman [[strikethrough]] G [[/strikethrough]] Texas
January 15th. 1867

Wm. H. Sinclair,
Sub. Asst. Com'r,
Galveston Texas,

I respectfully call your attention to the unhealthy state of affairs in regard to the freedmen: violence and desperation is rampant in the land by emigrant villains fresh from Missouri and Arkansas and I am powerless to render any protection whatever to the freedmen: even the efforts on the part of the civil authorities [[?]] perfect mockery  nothing but the strong arm of the military can check the violence and mischief that is being perpetrated here under some kind of a pretence: for instance hunting for stolen property (they never had) paying claim to stock owned by freedmen: hunting for side arms guns &c shoot them down if they deny any accusation; require them to take off their hats and throw them down before their horse when meeting such is the order of the day