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since the removal of the troops from this place.
On the first of January a Negro named Fed overtaken in the road in this county by a man unknown who asked him where he was going. Fed answered him by saying about my business for this reply was immediately shot at but lingered a couple of days. Near Whites borough in this county on the 4th instant. Jim Porter a freedman, a very honest and industrious man (so said by those who knew him, was working for a man named Linsey started for his home after night The next morning was found dead on the road. Having been shot by some villain. Warren Holland, (freedman), was killed on the night of 10th near Thief-neck (in this county) by a man who was staying with him overnight rode up late in the evening requested to stay all night that no one on the road would let him in. 
A while before day he (said stranger) got up wakened Holland up; and required him to get his horse out immediately: they went out together some little distance from the house two shots were fired and Holland was no more. On the 12th the body of a freedman was found near Kentucky Town of the county. The corps was badly cut to pieces nothing more is known on the 

Transcription Notes:
Don't mark as complete with so many unknowns Also I don't believe we need to use [[sic]] Correct, do not use [[sic]] ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-15 16:29:41 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-16 07:15:38 Still [[?]] present