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case. Yesterday the 14th instant in Chocktaw(also of this county) a freedman named Sam Mumford while at his work in timber making rails for a man named "Leeper" was shot.  his pardner "Mark Perry" had gone for his dinner on returning found him just dying was also fired upon but escaped unhurt.
Freedman "Billy Bryant" and "Jack Hane living near Thief Neck had their cabins plundered a few nights since They were fired upon but fortunately made their escape: The women were badly maltreated. The disturbers not known.
"Hiram Brown" and otehrs not known went to the cabin of "Jo Barhill" accused him of having a pistol: none could be found ordered him outside at the clicking of Pistols from behind the corner of house Jo fled unharmed though several shots were fired after him. Again in Chocktaw on the 13th three cabins were bust, in which freedmen were living. And the one was plundered The cries of the inmates alarmed the whites who were living close by and came in time to stop further depredations. Many cases of brutal treatment and of assault and battery, to tedious to mention. I call the attention of the civil authorities to such cases but they fail every time to arrest the offenders consequently I am 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-15 19:03:33