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Forced to the conclusion that the petty authorities will render but little or no protection to the persons and property of freedmen. These human fiends are numerous and desperate and are prowling about with an unbridled license to plunder burn and murder the freedmen to their hearts content. This is undoubtedly the worst place by a long ways in the state. Villains of the first magnitude are located here: in fact the hole is a kind of an ark of safety for all the scape-graces and refugees from justice from every section of the country.
The freedmens generally are under intimidation and in perfect terror of their lives by constant threat to keep them from reporting to this office "The Bureau" can't do you any good. it will only be worse for you here after some one will shoot you and no one will the wise for it. so your life and safety depends on you keeping quiet. and away from the Bureau" From information received the freedmen in Counties east of here (Famme and others) are being worse disturbed than this. So you must send us up help against the desperate  I cant do anything without