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The Mayor Mr. Morill fined the freedmen heavily without hearing the defence.  I then called his attention to the Civil rights bill and the penalty there-to: after due consideration - he granted the hearing of the case: the defence was waged by a Lawyer in good faith.  The mayor did not give any attention to the evidence for the defence although the council for the defence demanded it.  the shooting was done after night and the accused proved he had no fire arms of any kind and never carried any.  That he was in his own house at the time the shooting took place and not out at all during the night.  Yet upon this plain and direct proof of his not being guilty was fined the same as before together with the [[caust?]].  in his opinion the evidence of the freedmen was not entitled to any credit whatever.
A civil case was brought by James White before Justice Bush at Farmington in this county against John Coleman freedman under a "writ of sequestration" to try the rights of property: viz one house valued at (60) sixty dollars.