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I will cite one more case in the last term of the court as this place as illustrative of the manner in which justice is dealt out to the freedmen here.  One Gaston Massey freed-boy was severely assaulted and maltreated by a man named More in whose employ said Massey was at the time.  Complaint was made and More was bound over for his appearance at the District Court, was tried before a jury and found guilty to the amount of one cent.  The evidence was clear and direct.  Said More then had Massey indicted for petty-theft (Viz) four pounds of meat.  In evidence it appeared that the meat was given to Massey by a black woman to take to his mother while he was on an errand in Sherman for More and in the evening, Massey took the meat to his mother which act came under More's observation and was satisfactory understood at the time but notwithstanding this the boy was found guilty and sentenced to two years imprisonment.  nearly every one who listened to the case was astonished at the verdict of the jury.  These two cases are a fare specimine of justice towards the freedmen at this place.