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Bill and the Agt of the Bureau be compelled to leave.  The Civil authorities would not and cannot protect these people.  Criminal men are contented if they can only get into Courts knowing them a sure passport to their final escape.  This section of the state is almost in a perfect state of anarchy.  Men ride into and through [[?]] yet drunk, fight, shoot and do as they please, no one interfering in the least. In closing I would remark that the only thing now wanting to advance and improve the condition of these people who I here to protect is a [[gov?]] school and a minister to expound the gospel. Those that are here being Freedmen and almost is illiterate as their listeners.  I would also respectfully request that a few cavalry be detailed for duty at this post [[?]] furnished for the purpose of mounting the Infty now on duty here.
I am Genl
 Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Svt
W.H. Hiestan
[[L.& C.?]]
Bu R.F.&A.L.