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Office Sub Asst Comr
Bureau of RF & AL State of Texas
Wharton Jan" 7th 1867

Brvt Major General J B Kiddoo
Asst Com State of Texas
Galveston Texas

In compliance with orders from Hd Qrs Bureau of RF & AL I have the honor to state that no criminal offences have been committed against the Freed people to my knowledge since I entered upon my duties.

My experience as Agent of the Freedmans Bureau being limited & no court having been in session during the period I am unable to say how justly the Civil Authorities would deal with them

In regard to the feeling of the White people toward the Freed people. As a general thing it is a kindly & well disposed one. The better portion of the community are disposed to give them their just dues, though I am sorry to see a disposition on the part of many men of prominence & wealth too defraud & cheat them. There is another class who deem it no crime to perjure themselves (even when their own personal (or friends) interests are brought in conflict with a freedmans, and do not hesitate to take advantage of their ignorance
