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The Freedpeople as a class are working for a portion of the crop but very few can be hired for wages & those principally upon Ranches

I stated in a communication to you some time since that Infty were no use to me. I meant in general. It is impossible to procure horses here at any time no matter how urgent the demand, & as the majority of arrests will have to be made in the Country, among the Planters a man afoot would stand but little chance of accomplishing much. However I require troops in Town for my own protection. Of late several parties taking advantage of my not having troops have assumed a bullying manner towards me & insulted me in my Office & today I had to call upon Freedmen to eject a cursing Rebel from my Office, he defying me to put him out. With troops & your backing I will soon put a stop to all such conduct

I would Respectfully suggest the propriety of sending Mr Wheelock here. I think he would be able to give the educational Dep't an impetus & greatly encourage the Freed people

[[I am?]] General
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Svt
W H Horton 
Sub Asst Com

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-16 15:26:03