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Office Sub Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of R.F. & AL
Columbia Texas Dec 31st 1866.

Brvt Maj Genl J B Kiddoo
Assistant Commissioner
Galveston Texas

General, - 
I have the honor to make the following report in compliance with Circular Letter dated Galveston Dec 31st 1866.

I entered upon my duties as Sub Ass't comr at this place under instructions from Brig Genl E.M. Gregory, then Assistant Commissioner, May 1st 1866, relieving Capt. J.B. Bostwich 10th U.S. C.T.

Capt. E.W. Whitmore 17th U.S. Infy arrived with his company at the same time and remained until about the first of August.  Where he was ordered to take post at Matagorda Texas, leaving with me a detachment of four men.  This detachment remained here until November, when it left to join the company at Matagorda.

Little necessity was had for troops while they remained here, nothing having transpired to call their services into requisition.  I believe none are required now.

Not many Offences committed against freedpeople, in this district have come under my observation during the past year.