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The official business transacted in this office during the past year has been considerable.  Investigating, & publicating, & settling differences between the freedpeople themselves; differences & misunderstandings between the employer and freedperson, relative to the conditions of their contracts, where either party has failed to comply with the requirements there of; and, where the laborer had been discharged for noncompliance with his contract, adjudicating in the settlement for services performed. - Settlements were required to be made in compliance with the specifications contained in the contracts & no charges of any kinde allowed not specially provided for in the agreement.

In cases where a portion of the crops is the pay due, particular attention is given to instructions contained in circular No. 23. dates Nov 1st, 66.  and the freedpeople allowed to dispose of their portion of the crops as they may think best.

With the exception of a few cases, that have come under my observation, the planters in this district have settled with their laborers for the past years service, satisfactorily and in full.

Nearly all have settled.

The freedpeople have as a class been working for a portion of the