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made this rendition, in accordance with the testimony, as to the reliability of the Evidence I am not prepared to give an

I would in this particular suggest that some arrangement be made with a resident Attorney of this place, whose duty it will be to appear in all suits were the freedmen are a party,
for I fear it will be difficult to obtain Counsel at all times, giving to the want of ability on the part of the freedmen
to remunerate the Attorney whom he desires to appear. Cases may sometimes occupy hours and days in investigation, and no individuals would be willing to give such time & attention without the prospect of a fee - such are my views and I trust that you will agree with me, for to render justice at all times
to the freedmen, it will require a representative acquainted with the said.

The disposition of the white people is governed in most instances by the action of the freedmen under their employ, for where the latter are working faithfully there seems to be a

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