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Clinton. DeWitt Co. Texas.
January 9th. 1867.

Act. Asst. Adjutant General
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Galveston, Texas.

In obedience to Circular letter, dated Head Quarters, Bureau R.F. and A.L., State of Texas, Galveston, Decbr 31st. 1866, I have the honor to report as follows:
A freedman, whose name I could not ascertain, he having been carried off by his friends, was shot, without any provocation on his part, by Philip West, a notorious Rowdy, at Yorktown Dewitt Co., on or about the 22nd of November 66. The civil authorities issued a writ against him, but the sherriff failed to arrest him, said West having left his residence, Ecleto. No other attempt has been made since.

Alexander Hamilton committed an assault and battery upon a freedwoman Harriet Brown, on October 8, 1866. The jury acquitted him October 10, 1866, in consideration of the insulting language used by said H. Brown towards Hamilton.

Martin Rawly was tried on November 26, 1866 for an assault committed by him upon the freedwoman Sally Norris. The magistrate, Mr. Johnson Henry, sentenced him to a fine of $25.00 and costs, or in default thereof, to jail.