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Office Sub Assistant Commissioner
Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Sherman Feb 28th 1867.

J.T. Kirkman.}
1st Lieut 26th Infty.}
A.A.A. General.}
Bu of R.F. and A.L.}
Galveston Texas.}


I, very respectfully state the fact that no business has been done at this office during the month. have been waiting anxiously for Troop here for I can not do anything without being sustained.  I can not leave this place without some protection  These professional men of the Brush are numerouse here.  The slaughtering of freedmen still goes on though somewhat abated:  but still the section bordering Read river is in a deplorable condition beond precedent:  even in the dark days of negro persecusion.

On the 16th instant three negros [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] named Jake Bolen, Tom Bolen, and Bill King were shot through the crack or opening between the logs of their cabins whil sitting around their fires after night

Transcription Notes:
kept misspellings as in original. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-21 10:23:25