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jail an accusation of burning a hay stack belonging to James [[Fitch?]] this case I mentioned in my last report, 2nd case, George Knowlin freedman arrested and confined under charge of stealing a mule; when he had only taken the mule out of his employer's grain field; not knowing the owner: he was taken care of the mule in order to keep the animal out of the grain field. 3rd case [[Laraina?]] Tyson was bound over for his appearance at court for drawing a weapon on a freeman who had knocked him down. 4th case Charles Hudson loged in jail for stealing timber. The owner of the timber Mr Berry, had granted Hudson the privilege of cutting a few loads of wood and haul to town, but Berry at the time of Hudson's arrest was away. 
The action of the Grand Jury was very unsatisfactory not a single bill of indictment was found out of many cases I sent in together with the facts and names of witnesses.
A man named Dave Johnson in the northern part of this county makes his boast of killing "niggers" I have given information of the fact to the authorities here and are only waiting now, for the assistance of the military to arrest the said Johnson and his party

Transcription Notes:
not sure if last name is Fitch or Fritch