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possession a revolver,, no quarrel or difficulty of any kind ever having occurred between the parties,, this took place in this county (Grayson) on the last day of May 1867,, a man by the name of Bart Daniel has been arrested for the murder of a freedmen, the killing took place in the fall of 1865, Daniel left this county but come back and was arrested by the military the first of this month, or there about,, Lieut commanding at this Post, presented him to bail on a bond of Seven thousand Dollars,, Civil cases, there has been but few suits between the freedmen and whites of this district, that has come to my knowledge they have been tried before S Bortie J.P. for this place, a just and good man- & Loyal and true to the government, my own observations satisfies me that freedmen can and will have justice done them in civil cases when the officer or court is loyal to the U-States,, On the subject of schools; we have been trying to buy a lot in this place for school purposes, the freedmen have made two or three trades but before closing, something presents the consumation [[strikethrough]] the house will [[/strikethrough]]

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 11:19:38