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Alesso June 18th 1908

Vinenzo Marcopoli & Co

Sold to Charles L Freer
The following described pieces of Racca pottery all to be delivered in London free of all freight charges and other expenses & in the same order or condition as they were in at the time of sale.

Deliverd to be made through Messrs. Brown, Shipley & Co 123. Pall Mall, viz: -

[[4 Columned Table]]
|   |   |   | Francs |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Large Blue Jar | $ 400. [[checkmark]] | 2.000 |
| 1 | Large Blue Jar Decorated in relief | 750 [[checkmark]] | 5. |
| 1 | Large Blue Jar Decorated in relief | 500 [[checkmark]] | 3.000 | 
| 1 | large Blue Jar Decorated in relief | 200 [[checkmark]] | 2.000 | 
| 1 | Large low circular jar or bowl decorated in colors | 1.000 [[checkmark]] | 8.000 |
| 1 | large Dish with two handles decorated in colors | 1.500 [[checkmark]] | 10.000 | 
| 1 | Figure of Man, glazed. | 750 [[checkmark]] | 4.000 | 
| 1 | Large Jar Blue with decorations in black | 500 [[checkmark]] | 3.000 | 
| 1 | large Ovoid Jar white glazes with decorations in brown | 500 [[checkmark]] | 2.000 | 
| 1 | Small Jar decorated in dark brown, "Teflex" glaze | 300 [[checkmark]] | 2.000 | 
| 1 | Small Cup or Jar modeled in small panels, decorated | 100 [[checkmark]] | 1.00 |
| 1 | Small jar, modeled in relief greenish golden glazes | 25 [[checkmark]] | 2[[?]] |
| 1 | Small jar, decorated with writing in two kinds of characters | 150 [[checkmark]] | 1 00 |
| 1 | Pitcher with handle and high neck decorated in brown &c 250 [[checkmark]] | 1 500 |
| 1 | Fragment (in two pieces) Architectural style with inscriptions, Blue glaze 150 [[checkmark]] | 800 |
| 1 | Small cup Plum Colored glaze | 25 | 200 |
| 1 | Large Bowl, with large piece broken out of rim, fine decorations | 400 [[checkmark]] | 3.000 | 
| 1 | Large Bowl, much broken but stuck together, vertical writing | 200 [[checkmark]] | 1.500 | 
| 1 | Large Bowl, broken in pieces not yet stuck together, decorated | 150 [[checkmark]] | 800 | 
| 1 | Large Bowl, white & silver glazes split rim with kiln slag. | 75 [[checkmark]] | 40 |
|   | Price for the entire lot as per agreement |   | Ł 1.500 |
|   | Paid on account at Bank of Imperial Ottoman June 18th |   | 200 |
|   | Balance to be deposited to Credit of Mess Vincenzo Marcopoli & Co with Messrs Brown, Shipley & Co. in London after 
safe receipt of the pottery } |   | Ł1.300 |

Correct Charles L. Freer
[[?]] [[?]]
Sent on approval by VM & co { 1 Dish flat rim 200 [[checkmark]]
{ 1 Dish flat rim 200 [[checkmark]]
{ 1 Cup stem shaped Base 200 [[checkmark]]


[[left margin]]
Paid Marcopoli as hereon Ł 1.500
Paid Marcopoli for 3 pcs sent on approval Ł150
Total Ł 1.650 say F8.250
[[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes: