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[[4 column table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
|   | Brought forward | 315.00 |   |
|   | Miscellaneous. |   |   |
| 43 [[checkmark]] - | 1 Statuette Bronze. | 50.00 | [[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN. [[/stamp]] [[checkmark]] |
| 65 [[checkmark]] - | 1 small piece glass Glass. | 25.00 | [[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN. [[/stamp]] [[checkmark]] |
| 53 [[checkmark]] - | 1 small Gazelle. Stone | 15.00 | [[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN. [[/stamp]] [[checkmark]] |
|   | 1 Figure Stone | 25.00 |   |
|   | 1 small Figure Silver | 25.00 |   |
|   | 1 Figure Stone | 10.00 |   |
|   | 1 Figure Bronze | 5.00 |   |
|   | 1 Ring Silver | 10.00 |   |
|   | 4 small pcs. stone Stone | 10.00 |   |
|   | A - Red. Cherub |   |   |
|   | B - Red Goose |   |   |
|   | C - Green Oval top |   |   |
|   | D - Green. Flat |   |   |
|   | 1 Antique Door Wood | 15.00 |   |
|   | 2 Rings Gold | 10.00 |   |
|   | 1 with blue stone |   |   |
|   | 1 with scarab in red. |   |   |
|   | 2 small Figures Bone | 2.00 |   |
|   | 1 small seal. stone | 1.00 |   |
|   | 1 carving, seal Ivory. | 300.00 |   |
|   | Total - | 808.00 |   |

These three sheets totaling $808.00 are attached to Journal Voucher of December /08 for reference purposes only. They show a lot [[strikethrough]] o [[/strikethrough]] of Egyptian things purchased by Mr. Freer on his trip, Winter of 1906/07 and never given numbers or described until January 1909 - along with the things acquired on trip Summer of 1908, the [[?]] of which is on said Voucher 2 Dec/08' See Journal Voucher 1 Dec/07, for the record of the purchases of the above lot.