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December 10th, 1896.

Mr. Charles L. Freer,
Care Waldorf Hotel, New York City.

Dear Sir:-
I have just wired you:
"Chef informed me Plummer has been drinking. Letter to-night."
Last night was the chef's night out, and before he went, Plummer asked to be allowed to go out for ten minutes, and the chef gave him permission to do so. Instead of returning in ten minutes he remained out nearly an hour and returned showing the effects of drink and continued drinking after he came home. During all this time the chef was not at home. About ten o'clock, before the chef's return, and some time after Plummer had gone to his room, Agnes saw that Plummer's light was burning and she and Stephen went in and found Plummer asleep and very much intoxicated. They woke him up and told him to go to bed. About his time the chef returned and found Plummer angry and crying in a maudlin way because Agnes and Steve had gone into his room. Plummer wanted to pack up his things and leave the house last night but they managed to keep him. Chef says Plummer has been drinking a little at the house almost every day. When chef reported to me this morning he said Plummer was sober. In Plummer's praise, I might say that he cleaned the silver beautifully and did all his work well yesterday, according to chef's report. I write this just as the chef has reported it to me.
Yours truly,
H.A.B. Aikman

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-20 04:30:27