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July 14th, 1897.

Mr. W. Kelsey Hall,
5811 Cedar Street, Austin, Illinois.
My dear Mr. Hall:-
Absence from home until yesterday and a rush of other matters on my return, prevented my earlier acknowledging your kind favor of the 8th instant enclosing the fifty dollars and my receipt for the stamps, for which I thank you and assure you that the little transaction has afforded me much pleasure. I return the three stamps to you herewith, incidentally casting many sidelong and poverty stricken glances at the six pence perforated, for with all due respect to the three cent scarlet, and the value in dollars it carries with it, the six pence has a warmer place in my heart than either of the other stamps.
I trust you are having an enjoyable time in Chicago and its suburbs. Since you left, I have purchased a new wheel, the result being that my stamp collection has been neglected and the transfer to my new album at a standstill.
With personal regards,
Yours very truly,
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