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#33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan,
June 16th, 1915

Dear Doctor Walcott:-

I returned from the West last night and am glad to inform you that my stay in California did me a lot of good. My muscular strength is considerably increased and my voice, although considerably better, is not yet as strong as I would like, and after remaining here as a couple of weeks I am planning to go to the Catskills and Berkshires during the warm months.

I fancy that ere long you will be starting on your annual Westward trip. Let me wish you a very successful and enjoyable Summer.

I am pleased to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 5th instant and a copy of Mr. Warner's Report in its final form, and I am looking forward with the pleasure to its careful perusal.

On my homeward trip I stopped at Satna Fe for a few days and while there met Mrs. Wilson, the widow of the late Dr. Harry L. Wilson, who, you will remember was a member of the Executive Committee. Mrs. Wilson has for a long time been deeply interested in archeological work and is now associated with the School of Archaeology at Santa Fe, and is anxious to possess a copy of Mr. Warner's report. I feel that on account of her husband's deep

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