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Charles L. Freer *

Hecker Cottage.
Mackinac Island, Michigan. 
September 12th, 1911.

Mr. Stephen J. Warring
#33, Ferry Avenure, Past,
Detroit, Michigan 

Dear Stephen:
You letter of the 10th instant is received and noted. I hope that the temporary window sash have been set and that the painters have finished their work. 

In addition to the two packages sent forward last week and of which you have had notice, we are sending to-day 14 cases and two trunks via the D. & C. boat which leaves here tomorrow, Wednesday morning, at eight o'clock, and will be due in Detroit early on Thursday, the 14th, instant. I am enclosing a list of all of the things sent. The boxes are numbered and the two trunks are labeled so promptly after the boat arrives, you had better have a trunk ready at the boat to take the baggage to the house. 

The chef, butler and kitchen maid will arrive in Detroit by Michigan Central train early Friday morning. They will go to the house during the forenoon, on Colonel Hecker's yacht. I shall telegraph you about sending a conveyance to meet me at the yacht and where, that is whether at the Michigan Central or at the Colonel's yacht deck 

Weather beautiful to-day and am feeling well. 
Very truly yours, 
Charles L. Freer

P.S. See list on other side of this sheet. 
CH. L. F. 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-19 12:55:26