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[[four columns]]

| s.g. | No, 28. | Landscape painted by ( Ne Tsan ) scroll  Yuen dynasty. | Gold $. 1000.xx |

| s.g. | No, 29. | Figures painted by ( Li Lung Mien) Sung dynasty. scroll | Gold $. 1000.xx |

| out. | No, 30. | Eighteen Loo hans painted by (Loo Kwan Char) Five dynasties. scroll | Gold $. 1000.xx |

| out. | No, 31. | A view of a part of the Yang-Tse-river bank in a snow storm painted by ( Chao Ta Wien) Sung dynasty. scroll | Gold $. 2000.x

| s.g. | No, 32. | Mountain, ridges and peaks after a snow storm scroll painted by ( Wong Wei )  Tong dynasty. | Gold $. 2000.x | 

| s.g. | No, 33. | Figures,trees and rocks painted by ( Ma Yuen ) Sung dynasty.                       
This painting shows a scholar looking the plum tree standing under the large old tree by the side of the stream. that is truly Ma Yuen painting | Gold $. 1500.xx |

| out. | No, 34. | Large pine tree and figures rocks painted by Ma Kwei Sung dynasty.  
This painting shows a scholar sitting on the rock under pine tree and play the music in the moon night. | Gold $. 2000.x(?) |

Total Gold $.51500.

The above paintings from No.1-4 and 12-16  and 24-26
and No. 31- 34. they are all very wonderful and scarce 
I am sure they are very important to your collection.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-25 16:58:57